Monday, January 27, 2020
Conjunto com bancos de dados relacionais
Conjunto com bancos de dados relacionais Resumo. A programaà §Ã £o orientada a objetos à © utilizada hà ¡ muito tempo em conjunto com bancos de dados relacionais, que à © considerado o padrà £o adotado pelo mercado hà ¡ anos. Entretanto, a passagem de dados de um objeto para uma tabela de um banco de dados relacional, do ponto de vista conceitual, costuma ser incompatà vel devido as adaptaà §Ã µes realizadas no modelo relacional para implementar integridades referenciais, facilitar consultas, etc. Por isso, outras tecnologias foram desenvolvidas para tornar a persistà ªncia de objetos em bancos de dados relacional mais natural. Neste trabalho, sà £o apresentadas duas tecnologias com este objetivo: DB4O, que utiliza um banco de dados orientado a objetos, armazenando diretamente a instà ¢ncia da classe no banco de dados e o framework JPA, que mapeia os objetos e seus atributos para suas respectivas tabelas no banco de dados relacional. A ferramenta Eclipse e o banco de dados MySQL foram utilizados para a impleme ntaà §Ã £o das aplicaà §Ã µes neste trabalho. Palavras-chave: JPA, DB4O, Banco de Dados nà £o convencional, Mapeamento Objeto-Relacional, Banco de Dados Orientado a Objeto, MySQL. 1 Introduà §Ã £o 1.1 Motivaà §Ã £o O crescente avanà §o do paradigma de programaà §Ã £o orientado a objetos tornou necessà ¡rio o estudo acerca de novas formas de persistir os dados de um sistema, pois o modelo relacional nà £o à © diretamente compatà vel com o paradigma, visto que nà £o foi feito pensando para orientaà §Ã £o a objetos. Existem duas abordagens que sà £o o objeto de estudo deste trabalho para tratar persistà ªncia de dados: bancos de dados orientados a objetos e mapeamento objeto-relacional. Bancos de dados orientados a objetos suportam o armazenamento de objetos complexos, mantendo sua estrutura, ao contrà ¡rio dos bancos relacionais que desconhecem o conceito de objeto. Objetos sà £o abstraà §Ã µes do mundo real e a manipulaà §Ã £o destes à © mais simples de entender quando comparado à s abstraà §Ã µes de um banco de dados relacional. Embora nà £o seja muito utilizado comercialmente, bancos de dados orientados a objeto và ªm evoluindo bastante, permitindo aplicaà §Ã µes cada vez mais robustas e atuando principalmente nas à ¡reas de manipulaà §Ã £o de objetos complexos como espaciais, som e và deo. O mapeamento objeto-relacional justamente serve para mapear os objetos em tabelas de um banco de dados relacional, utilizando todas as vantagens desse banco de dados e sendo transparente para o usuà ¡rio. Isto facilita o trabalho do desenvolvedor e permite uma melhor visualizaà §Ã £o da relaà §Ã £o entre os objetos e as relaà §Ã µes do banco reacional. Este trabalho à © resultado da primeira parte da disciplina ministrada pelo professor Sean W. M. Siqueira no primeiro semestre de 2009. A disciplina trata de bancos de dados nà £o convencionais, e faz parte do currà culo de Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informaà §Ã £o da Unirio (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) como disciplina optativa da linha de Banco de Dados. 1.2 Objetivo O objetivo deste trabalho à © apresentar duas tecnologias voltadas para o desenvolvimento orientado a objeto (DB4O e JPA) e como realizar suas respectivas implementaà §Ã µes que testam a persistà ªncia em um banco de dados orientado a objeto, mais especificamente o DB4O, e a persistà ªncia utilizando o mapeamento objeto-relacional, atravà ©s do framework JPA. Apà ³s a demonstraà §Ã £o destas duas implementaà §Ã µes, foi realizada uma comparaà §Ã £o entre as duas abordagens, incluindo a abordagem de desenvolvimento tradicional. 1.3 Modelo de classes Para a aplicaà §Ã £o, desenvolvemos o seguinte modelo de classes: 1.4 Estrutura do Relatà ³rio O relatà ³rio està ¡ estruturado em elementos prà ©-textuais, 5 (cinco) capà tulos, e elementos pà ³s-textuais. Na primeira parte hà ¡ itens como sumà ¡rio e à ndices. Em seguida, està £o os capà tulos que està £o brevemente descritos a seguir, e, por fim, os elementos pà ³s-textuais. capà tulo 1 explica a motivaà §Ã £o e o objetivo para este trabalho. capà tulo 2 apresenta o passo-a-passo para a implementaà §Ã £o de uma aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando a tecnologia DB4O. capà tulo 4 apresenta o passo-a-passo para desenvolvimento de uma aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando o framework JPA. capà tulo 4 apresenta as conclusà µes do presente trabalho, comparando as tecnologias envolvidas. capà tulo 5 apresenta as referà ªncias bibliogrà ¡ficas. 2 Etapas do desenvolvimento de aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando DB4O Este capà tulo apresenta o passo-a-passo para desenvolvimento de aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando o DB4O. 2.1 Softwares utilizados Os seguintes softwares foram utilizados para a implementaà §Ã £o dos servià §os. Eclipse JDK 6 2.2 Introduà §Ã £o ao DB4O banco de dados orientado a objetos DB4o à © um software open source de fà ¡cil instalaà §Ã £o e baixa necessidade de recurso, uma vez que ele nà £o à © um SGBD e por isso nà £o possui interface grà ¡fica e outras funcionalidades de gerenciamento. DB4o foi feito para poder ser utilizado em plataformas desktop, celulares, servidores, contanto que o ambiente seja orientado a objetos. Alà ©m disso, ele nà £o exige a necessidade de nenhuma programaà §Ã £o ou ferramenta para mapear a orientaà §Ã £o a objetos para o modelo relacional, pois ele faz uso da orientaà §Ã £o a objetos a seu favor, permitindo que o modelo seja uma representaà §Ã £o fiel do banco de dados. DB4o nà £o possui instalaà §Ã £o. No desenvolvimento realizado, utilizando o Eclipse, a à ºnica aà §Ã £o necessà ¡ria para instalar o DB4o foi importar o arquivo .jar como uma biblioteca para o eclipse. Apà ³s isso, os pacotes com os objetos necessà ¡rios para persistir os dados no DB4o està £o prontos para serem utilizados. Como o DB4o nà £o necessita de mapeamento, tambà ©m nà £o necessita de modelo là ³gico e fà sico, visto que ele à © totalmente baseado na orientaà §Ã £o a objetos, logo, o banco segue o modelo de classes. 2.3 Metodologia de desenvolvimento Para realizar o desenvolvimento da aplicaà §Ã £o, primeiro define-se as classes POJO (Plain Java Object). Os objetos que serà £o armazenados no DB4O sà £o pertencentes a essas classes de objetos implementadas no inà cio do desenvolvimento. Depois, desenvolve-se uma classe que permite inserà §Ã £o, consulta, alteraà §Ã £o e exclusà £o de objetos do banco. Para isso, à © necessà ¡rio importar diversas bibliotecas externas pertinentes ao desenvolvimento para DB4O e tambà ©m abrir o arquivo onde os objetos serà £o armazenados, instanciando um objeto da classe ObjectContainer, que representarà ¡ o banco de dados. Para inserà §Ã £o de objetos no DB4O, utilizamos o mà ©todo set da classe ObjectContainer, que armazena um objeto passado como parà ¢metro no DB4O. Para consulta de objetos no DB4O utilizamos o mà ©todo QueryByExample, que utiliza um objeto passado como parà ¢metro como exemplo e busca o objeto semelhante no DB4O. O resultado à © armazenado em uma varià ¡vel do tipo ObjectSet. Para alteraà §Ã £o de objetos no DB4O à © necessà ¡rio consultar o objeto que se deseja alterar e armazenà ¡-lo em um objeto da classe desejada. Depois, alterar os dados atravà ©s do mà ©todo set definido na classe POJO e colocar no DB4O atravà ©s do mà ©todo store, definido na classe ObjectContainer. Para a deleà §Ã £o de objetos no DB4O à © necessà ¡rio consultar o objeto que se deseja remover e utilizar o mà ©todo delete, definido na classe ObjectContainer. 2.4 Passo a passo para implementaà §Ã £o de uma aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando o DB4O O DB4O consiste em um arquivo .jar apenas, entà £o o primeiro passo (apà ³s realizar o download do DB4O) à © verificar qual .jar utilizar. Nesse caso, utilizamos o DB4o-7.4-java5.jar, pois à © o indicado para que utiliza o JDK 5 ou 6. 3 Etapas do desenvolvimento de aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando JPA Este capà tulo apresenta o passo-a-passo para desenvolvimento de aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando o framework JPA. 3.1 Softwares utilizados Os seguintes softwares foram utilizados para a implementaà §Ã £o dos servià §os. Eclipse Ganymede versà £o 3.4.0 (possui OpenJPA nativo) JDK 1.5 Hibernate MySQL 3.2 Introduà §Ã £o ao JPA O Java Persistence API (JPA) à © um produto implementado pela SUN, especificado para oferecer uma persistà ªncia transparente de objetos Java. O OpenJPA à © uma implementaà §Ã £o disponibilizada como software livre, desenvolvida pela Apache Software Foundation baseada no JPA produzido pela SUN. O JPA define um padrà £o de mapeamento dos objetos do modelo orientado a objetos para o modelo relacional, trazendo as vantagens dos dois mundos: a programaà §Ã £o orientada a objetos, paradigma consagrado de desenvolvimento e os bancos de dados relacionais, igualmente consagrados em termos de utilizaà §Ã £o e desempenho. Alà ©m disso, a tecnologia possui amplo suporte pela maioria dos das grandes empresas do mercado: Apache, Oracle, BEA, JBoss. As camadas que compà µe o framework para o mapeamento objeto-relacional utilizando JPA podem ser visualizadas na Figura 14: O JPA provà ª uma API simples e padronizada de persistà ªncia para Java SE e Java EE. Essa padronizaà §Ã £o permite a modularizaà §Ã £o do provedor JPA que à © oferecido em diversas versà µes por và ¡rios desenvolvedores, dando a opà §Ã £o de escolha o usuà ¡rio final. A padronizaà §Ã £o da tecnologia permite o aumento da produtividade e o uso de anotaà §Ã µes (Annotations) simplifica a configuraà §Ã £o das entidades. Seus objetos sà £o baseados em classes POJO (Plain Old Java Objects) e sua implementaà §Ã £o oferece suporte a heranà §a e polimorfismo. O JPA à © compatà vel com a linguagem de consulta Java Persistence Query Language (JP-QL) que utiliza uma sintaxe prà ³xima a SQL, porà ©m à © voltada para consulta de entidades e suas propriedades, criando independà ªncia em relaà §Ã £o à modelagem fà sica do banco de dados. A JPQL à © capaz de realizar consultas està ¡ticas (named queries) e consultas dinà ¢micas e permite a construà §Ã £o de consultas complexas. Portanto, o JPA à © uma soluà §Ã £o completa para mapeamento e persistà ªncia de objetos, sendo composto pelo modo declarativo de descrever mapeamento O/R, linguagem de consulta e recursos para manipulaà §Ã £o de entidades. 3.3 Metodologia de desenvolvimento Apà ³s a definià §Ã £o do modelo relacional, desenvolvem-se as classes POJO referentes as tabelas no banco de dados. Entà £o se insere as anotaà §Ã µes (annotations) que declaram que a classe possui uma respectiva tabela no banco de dados. Entretanto, ainda à © necessà ¡rio registrar essas classes no arquivo persistence.xml, que serà ¡ utilizado para definir o subconjunto de classes que poderà £o ser gerenciadas. Ao escrever o cà ³digo, deverà ¡ ser instanciada um objeto do tipo EntityManagerFactory passando o arquivo persistence.xml como parà ¢metro. A partir deste objeto, à © criado outro do tipo EntityManager, responsà ¡vel por gerenciar o ciclo de vida das entidades que està £o registradas. Ao iniciar a manipulaà §Ã £o dos objetos, à © necessà ¡rio iniciar uma transaà §Ã £o e entà £o registrar os comandos CRUD para serem executados. Entà £o, ao final, realiza-se o commit ou rollback destas operaà §Ã µes. A Figura 15 resume o fluxo de mapeamento objeto-relacional seguido pelo JPA. 3.4 Passo a passo para implementaà §Ã £o de uma aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando JPA O primeiro passo para iniciar a implementaà §Ã £o de uma aplicaà §Ã £o utilizando o framework JPA à © baixar os arquivos JAR necessà ¡rios para realizar as importaà §Ã µes das classes que serà £o utilizadas no programa. Como serà ¡ utilizado como provedor JPA (Figura 2) o framework de persistà ªncia Hibernate, os seguintes pacotes serà £o necessà ¡rios: Hibernate Core, Hibernate Annotations e Hibernate Entity Manager, que està £o disponà veis em No desenvolvimento da aplicaà §Ã £o foram utilizadas as versà µes 3.2.0.GA do Hibernate Core, 3.3.0 GA do Hibernate Annotations e 3.3.1.GA do Hibernate Entity Manager. Cabe salientar que pacotes de outras versà µes do Hibernate podem resultar em falhas e erros inesperados em relaà §Ã £o aos procedimentos realizados neste relatà ³rio. O driver JDBC para o MySQL tambà ©m à © necessà ¡rio e pode ser baixado no site oficial do MySQL, em Para o desenvolvimento da aplicaà §Ã £o foi utilizado a versà £o 5.1.7 do driver JDBC para o MySQL. Em posse dos arquivos necessà ¡rios, iniciam-se os passos para o desenvolvimento da aplicaà §Ã £o no Eclipse. 4 Conclusà £o Conforme apresentado, o desenvolvimento utilizando bancos de dados orientado a objetos apresenta diversas facilidades em relaà §Ã £o à proposta tradicional de desenvolvimento e à proposta de mapeamento objeto-relacional. Essas vantagens sà £o as seguintes: Modelagem mais real: permite que o seu modelo de classes seja o seu modelo de armazenamento de dados, pois armazena exatamente os objetos como eles foram criados para serem armazenados, sem necessidade de nenhum tipo de transformaà §Ã £o Representaà §Ã £o de dados com formatos varià ¡veis: no relacional, as tuplas precisam ser homogà ªneas e os atributos atà ´micos, enquanto que no OO isso nà £o à © necessà ¡rio. à © possà vel ter dados em formatos varià ¡veis. Facilidade de instalaà §Ã £o e utilizaà §Ã £o: à © mais fà ¡cil e rà ¡pido instalar o DB4o do que algum banco de dados relacional, pois nà £o à © necessà ¡rio configurar e criar um banco de dados previamente, nem à © necessà ¡rio realizar um modelo relacional, fà sico e là ³gico, pois o prà ³prio modelo de classes à © a representaà §Ã £o dos dados no banco Mas, existem alguns problemas nessa tecnologia. Alguns jà ¡ foram citados anteriormente: Stored procedures: Nà £o existem stored procedures ou triggers, sendo necessà ¡rio programar na aplicaà §Ã £o essas funà §Ã µes, o que pode fazer cair o desempenho do sistema O modelo relacional jà ¡ està ¡ consolidado no mercado, acumulando anos de estudo e aprimoramento, oferecendo bom desempenho, mecanismos de otimizaà §Ã £o, tratamento de concorrà ªncia. 5 Referà ªncias Vasiliev, Yuli, 2008, Querying JPA Entities with JPQL and Native SQL Disponà vel em Apache Software Fundation, Apache JPA Users Guide Disponà vel em OLIVEIRA, H.E.M, 2008, JPA Passo a Passo, TDC The Developers Conference 2008 Disponà vel em DB4Objects, DB4O Tutorial Disponà vel em: ENGIEL, P., 2008, Comparaà §Ã £o entre as formas de persistir a programaà §Ã £o orientada a objetos
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Internship at malaysiaairlines Essay
As a part of requirement of Bachelor in Accountancy Programme, an internship training programme for six months is mandatory for every student in 7th semester. Therefore, it is necessary for me to complete my internship session in any company which offers relevant job scope and experience to my area and specialization. Previously, I had experienced working in an audit firm and now, I chose to be working in industrial and commercial sector in order for me to experience a new working environment. Hence, that is the reason why I decided to undergo my internship programme with Malaysia Airlines. I began my internship programme on 1st February 2013 with MAS and it ends on 31st July 2013. During that time, I was attached to Accounts Payable Department, 4th Floor, Admin 2 Building, MAS Complex A, SAAS Airport, 47200 Subang, Selangor. The department is headed by Cheah Paik Un and the Manager of the department is Pn. Nik Azlina Bt Nik Yusoff. I was put under the supervision of Nurul Izzati Bt Noordin and my immediate supervisor was Azizah Bt Azmi. 2.0 MALAYSIA AIRLINES (MAS). 2.1 Company Overview Malaysia Airlines (MAS), formerly known as Malaysian Airline System Berhad was found in the year of 1947. It is a Malaysian-based company engaged in the business of air transportation and the provision of related services. Basically, it operates in two segments. The first segment is airline operations, which engaged in the operation of aircraft for passenger and the second segment is cargo services which related to the operation of aircraft for cargo and mail services. In addition, MASââ¬â¢s other business segment also includes catering, engineering, computerized reservation services, trucking and warehousing services, retailing of goods, terminal charges and tour and travel related activities. Up to now, MAS has over 20 subsidiaries with 13 of them are fully owned by MAS. Some of the subsidiaries are Abacus Distribution Systems (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, FlyFirefly Sdn Bhd, MAS Goldenà Holidays Sdn Bhd, and many more. Malaysia Airlines has its headquarters and registered office on the third floor of Administration Building A at Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang, Selangor. 3.0 WORK EXPERIENCES. 3.1 Duties and Responsibilities. Since I was attached to the Accounts Payable department, basically my tasks involve the handling of incoming invoices from arrival to post. Usually, I would first classify and sorts the invoices into various categories. Then, after performing invoice verification, I would enter the park invoices and update it using SAP system. After that, the superior may have to check and approve the invoice and if there are no variances, the invoice is posted into the accounting system. Apart from that, I also need to update the manpowersââ¬â¢ time sheet and summary as well as the fuel uplift quantity and buffered flights using the Integrated Fuel Management System (IFMS). Therefore, I can state that I already had a clear picture on how exactly MAS handle their accounts payable. In addition,I am well aware that accounting departments are constantly challenged when it comes to validating the accuracy of invoices, obtaining agreement and sign off for expenditure and taking measures to eliminate double payment occurrences. 3.2 Exposure to the Airline Industry. As a part of exposure to the airline industry, Finance Business Support Department has provided all the practical trainees the Internal Finance Module (Basic Airline Economics) on 26th February 2013. I found it very beneficial to me as I am able to apply my knowledge on costing specifically for airlines industry. I was exposed to different cost classification which MAS applied on its expenditure incurred, for example variable costs can be divided into flight related,traffic related and revenue related. After that, on 4th April and 12th April, I went for a half-day visit to Engineering Hangar and Malaysia Airlines Academy where I had the opportunity to observe how the aircrafts are being maintained, CCTS mock up, flight safety demonstration and so on. 3.3 Achievements. During my training period, I have acquired many new skills and knowledge on accounting mainly for airline industry. First, to me it was a success when I was given the opportunity to learn in depth on what type of expenditure incurred by MAS, and other related issues in the way of settling it. Next, this internship programme has certainly enriched my curriculumvitae (CV) and my interpersonal skills as I was given the chance to interact with most staffs from every different level. This has largely broadened my perspectives on career opportunities available in the accounting profession as they always provide me with good advice on it based on their experiences. Thus, I am able to shape my career goals more clearly and it will surely benefit me in the near future. Lastly, I am more familiar with accounting systems such as SAP and ESKER solutions as well as IFMS which is a system mainly developed for managing fuel. I can confidently use it with ease and I found that these systems really make accounting as one of the most enjoyable fields to deal with. This is because, from what I have observed, since ESKER is being used by Accounts Payable Department on 3rd of June 2013, it helps on reducing the problem related to traditional invoice processing method. Some of the problems linked to traditional method are increase in the chance of error due to multiple sources and paper invoices are also hard to monitor as well as labour intensive. Therefore, ESKER solutions really make paper-free AP a reality and helps in cutting operational and administrative AP costs as the invoice approval workflow is simplified and consolidated. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS. I must recommend MAS to create a more structured training programme where supervisors are directed to plan a more comprehensive and organized training schedule for every trainees in order to optimize the training period with significant tasks in developing the traineesââ¬â¢ knowledge and skills rather than focusing on the same task for the whole period. Next, I suggest that Accounts Payable Department should once in a while organize a team building exercise for its staffs in order to bring them closer and I am sure thatà this would encourage them to appreciate the importance of team work and able to share personal experiences and ideas. 5.0 CONCLUSION. In conclusion, I can state that my internship at Malaysia Airlines was a rewarding experience. This is because, it provided me with some new perspectives that I did not come across during my studies back at the college and the work experience I gained here was very different compared to the private practice sector due to the specific job scope. Next, I would like to attest both of my supervisors (Nurul Izzati Bt Noordin who was my senior supervisor and Azizah Bt Azmi who was my immediate supervisor) at Accounts Payable Department, MAS for the good job. Above all, working together with them was a true pleasure and theirs faith in my abilities was a real source of motivation. I really appreciate the way I have been guided through this internship programme with MAS, beginning from the opportunity to take the time I needed to refresh and expand my knowledge in several issues concerning every single expenses incurred by MAS and ways to make payment, over a somehow protected period where I could discover and learn to value my new working environment, and finally earned the confidence to deal with assignments myself. Last but not least, I need to stress that all the staffs in this department contributed greatly to making my stay at MAS a very enjoyable one. It is through them that I did enjoy my work every day and I am very grateful for the internship opportunity given by MAS.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Chinese Wedding Tradition Essay
Introduction à à à à à à à à à à à A wedding day is considered as the most important and memorable event in oneââ¬â¢s life because it is their way of affirming their love and intimacy in public. At that very moment, the couple makes sure that everything is perfectly planned, from proposal to reception. This is because the groom usually wants to offer the best to his bride. A wedding is also considered among many nations as a very sensitive event because all aspects of the wedding shall conform to their beliefs and traditions. The date and place of the wedding are also given considerable significance. Moreover, the wedding rites are meticulously carried out because everything used symbolizes something especially among Chinese. à à à à à à à à à à à In Chinese tradition, the wedding is purposely to continue their clan and to strengthen the relationship of the two families. It is in the best interest of the parents and so they exert a great deal effort of finding good match for their son. The matching is made very carefully through rituals to ensure the absence of bad omens. Furthermore, a traditional Chinese wedding is interestingly coupled with complicated beliefs to ensure luck, joy, and happiness for the couple. Before the Wedding à à à à à à à à à à à The proposal in Chinese wedding is not made by the boy, instead, his parents find a girl that matches him. When the match has been found, the proposal and expression of the match is done through a ââ¬Å"go- betweenâ⬠who would present a gift to the girlââ¬â¢s parents. If the proposal is received, the go- between will get the girlââ¬â¢s birth date and birth hour to be recorded in a formal document which will be placed in the altar of the boyââ¬â¢s family for three days (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). If within three days, no inauspicious omen occurred like trouble between the two families, the information is given to an astrological expert for confirmation of the match (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). When a favorable horoscope is found, the girlââ¬â¢s family will also do the same ritual. à à à à à à à à à à à The next process is the bethrodal where both parents exchange presents as a form of their intentions. During the bethodal, the parents would extensively bargain for the amount of money and goods as a gift to the girlââ¬â¢s family. Usually, the bethodal gifts includes, tea, dragon and phoenix bridal cakes, pairs of male and female poultry, wine, tobacco, and others (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The cake received by the bride is shared to family friends and relatives as a sign of the wedding announcement and invitation. In exchange, the girlââ¬â¢s family would offer foods and clothing. à à à à à à à à à à à On the same day, the wedding date is set. It is important among Chinese that the wedding date is a lucky day. The date is chosen according to the lunar calendar when the moon and the stars are properly aligned with the guidance of an astrologist ( Moreover, it has been a practice that the couple marry when the hands of the clocks are moving up instead of down because it is their belief that their married life would begin in an upswing manner ( à à à à à à à à à à à Before the wedding day, the bride is required to stay in seclusion together with her closest friends where she would be rendered a lamentation for her separation from her parents (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). Another preparation made is the installation of the new bridal bed by married men or women having many children. The night before the wedding day, the groom is required to sleep on the bed with an innocent young child to invite fertility. Wedding Day à à à à à à à à à à à On the very day of wedding, the bride takes a bath in water filled with pomelo and other varieties of grape fruit to cleanse her of evil influences (Chinese Weddings by the Knot). Her hair is combed by a married woman four times and each stroke symbolizes good luck, fertility, longevity, and happiness, respectively (Helium). Her hair is styled in a bun at the top of her head like that of a married woman. Moreover, her hair dress, made of either red silk veil or curtain of tassle or beads, is hanged from her Phoenix crown so that her face will be covered (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The brides wear a simple yet elegant red wedding dress and red shoes (Helium). The presence of a ââ¬Å"good- luck womanâ⬠is also required during the brideââ¬â¢s preparation (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). After all the preparations, the bride bows to her parents and to the ancestral table then waits for the bridal procession (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). à à à à à à à à à à à On the other hand, the groom wears a long gown, a red silk sash with a silk ball on his shoulder together with red shoes, (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). As he kneels before the altar, his father places the cap, which is garnished with cypress leaves, on his head (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). Before the groom goes on a bridal procession, he is required to kneel before the tablets of Heaven and Earth and his ancestors then to his parents and relatives (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). à à à à à à à à à à à Noticeably, the color used for wedding dress, invitations, and envelopes is red. For the Chinese, red stands for luck, joy, happiness, and courage. On the red wedding invitations and decorations, the symbol of double happiness is placed on them to represent a wish of happiness to the newly wed (Fong & Chuang, 2003, p.138). à à à à à à à à à à à After the preparation, the groom leads the bridal procession to pick up his bride. The procession is accompanied by the noise of firecrackers, loud gongs and drums (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The groom is also accompanied by a child to symbolize his future sons (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). à à à à à à à à à à à The wedding ceremony itself is simpler than the preparation. The couple is led to the altar to pray to the Heaven and Earth, to family ancestors, and to the Kitchen god, Tsao- Chun (Hudson Valley Weddings). Afterwards, a tea with lotus seeds is offered by the couple to the grooms parents (Chinese Historical and Cultural Project). The marriage ceremony is completed when the couple bows at each other. à à à à à à à à à à à The wedding feast is prepared by the brideââ¬â¢s family separate from that of the groomââ¬â¢s family. On each feasts, the men sits separately from women. Then bride and the groom are presented with the two goblets of honey and wine tied together with red ribbon (Kingma, 2003, p. 166). They partake in these two drinks to represent that they have come together in marriage in love and in courage. After the Wedding à à à à à à à à à à à On the day after the wedding, the bride is required to wake up at dawn to honor their ancestors and bow before the groomââ¬â¢s relatives as she receives gifts from them. That is the only day when the bride is formally introduced to the grooms family and relatives. Conclusion à à à à à à à à à à à It can be considered that the trditional Chinese wedding is the most complicated and meticulous yet most elegant wedding there is. It can also be said that since the wedding has the longest preparation, the parents of both partners may plan for it while the future couple are still young. Moreover, the wedding ceremony itself is given utmost importance as it is enriched by beliefs to ensure good things for the couple and for their family. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Chinese Wedding Traditions.â⬠2008. Chinese Historical and Cultural Project. 4 June 2008 à à à à à à à à à à à . ââ¬Å"A Guide to Chinese Wedding Customs.â⬠2008. Helium. 4 June 2008 à à à à à à à à à à à . ââ¬Å"Chinese Wedding Traditions.â⬠2008. Hudson Valley Weddings. 4 June 2008 à à à à à à à à à à à . ââ¬Å"Chinese Wedding Traditions- Marriage Customs.â⬠983 4 June 2008 à à à à à à à à à à à . Fong, Mary & Chuang, Rueyling. Communicating Ethnic and Cultural Identity. Rowman & à à à à Littlefield, 2003. Kingma, Daphne R. Weddings from the Heart: Contemporary & Traditional Ceremonies à à à à à à à à à à for an Unforgettable Wedding. Red Wheel, 2003. ââ¬Å"Wedding Style: How to Make Your Wedding Unique.â⬠2008. Chinese Weddings by the Knot. 4 June 2008 .
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Prime Minister John Turner Biography
John Turner was a Prime Minister in waiting for too long. By the time John Turner had waited out the Trudeau era and was elected Leader of the Liberal Party to become Prime Minister in 1984, the country was fed up with the Liberal government. Turner himself seemed out of date and out of touch. He made a number of political gaffes, including calling an early election, and the Conservatives won a massive majority. For six years as Leader of the Opposition, John Turner fought, unsuccessfully, against free trade with the United States. Prime Minister of Canada 1984 Birth June 7, 1929, in Richmond, Surrey, England. John Turner came to Canada as a young child in 1932. Education BA - University of British ColumbiaRhodes Scholar, BA in Jurisprudence, BCL, MA - Oxford UniversityUniversity of Paris Profession Lawyer Political Affiliation Liberal Party of Canada Ridings (Electoral Districts) Over the years, Turner held ridings in three different provinces - Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. St-Laurent - St-Georges 1962-68Ottawa-Carleton 1968-76Vancouver Quadra 1984-93 Political Career of John Turner John Turner was first elected to the House of Commons in 1962.He was a Minister without Portfolio from 1965 to 1967, and Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs from 1967 to 1968.He ran for the leadership of the Liberal Party in 1968 but lost to Pierre Trudeau.In 1968, John Turner became Solicitor General of Canada.He was Minister of Justice from 1968 to 1972.From 1972 to 1975, John Turner was Minister of Finance. In 1974, his second budget was voted down in the House of Commons, and a general election was called.The Liberals won the 1974 general election and John Turner was again appointed Minister of Finance.Unhappy with the job of Minister of Finance and the economic policy of the government, John Turner resigned in 1975 to return to the practice of law in Toronto.When Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau retired in 1984, John Turner was elected Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.John Turner was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada in 1984.A series of patronage appointments by both Pierre Trudeau and John Turner, and an electorate tired of 16 years of Liberal government led to a Conservative victory in the 1984 general election. Brian Mulroney became Prime Minister.John Turner stayed as Leader of the Opposition for six years from 1984 to 1990.He retired from politics in 1993 and returned to the practice of law.
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